social networking sites

what people understand by social networking sites?                                                                                   social networking sites can provide you a benefit for all those things that you cannot think of to do in your carrier it provides you benefit every time that you want sometimes it provided a major error in the sites because of too much load of the public. social networking sites was the best place for people to learn and also advise others.  it was a very big platform of different types of topics that you people want it was very grateful to you all to join these social networking platforms in facebook you can post your everyday stories in what's app you can also do the same thing and Instagram it will be remain same. in twitter, you can post a blog according to your way and it will be seen by the public and also you can tweet your pictures. social networking sites have provided you a lot of benefits but people sometimes misuse by discovering fake news that will read by the readers and it becomes exploit to the reader's mind and today's generation to much attach with social networking sites. social networking sites can be used by some government agencies to attract the people's views and also to share their topics and information in school principles can also be used to explore their schools in the countries. it can provide you related information on their schools and students can also ask and the school can post any of the additional information . social networking sites can use at every place and every time it can be supposed to any matter or any topic that we want.  social networking sites can also be used to explore the world of business people can buy online products and it can also be used by doctors to upload some various topics to their health and fitness and also to grow their profession. social networking sites can always provide you benefit smartphones and social networking services enable us to stay connected continuously with people around us or far away from us, which however is sometimes the root of our anxiety in social lifeSites such as Facebook are becoming increasingly popular tools for methods of ending relationships and friendships, proving that although new media is being used as a tool for connecting with individuals, it is now creating new problems associated with disconnecting from others. Social networking services are increasingly being used in a legal and criminal investigation. The information posted on sites such as MySpace and Facebook has been used by police, probation, and university officials to prosecute users of said sites. In some situations, content posted on MySpace has been used in court. A social networking service is an online platform that people use to build social networks or social relations with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. The social network is distributed across various computer networks.  This is the biggest social media network on the Internet, both in terms of the total number of users and name recognition. Founded on February 4, 2004, facebook has within 12 years managed to accumulate more than 1.59 billion monthly active users and this automatically makes it one of the best mediums for connecting people from all over the world with your business. It is estimated that more than 1 million small and medium-sized businesses use the platform to advertise their business While it’s on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, Google has its place among the popular social media sites. Its SEO value alone makes it a must-use tool for any small business. Launched on December 15, 2011, Google+ has joined the big leagues registering 418 active million users as of December 2015    youtube— the largest and most popular video-based social media website — was founded on February 14, 2005, by three former PayPal employees. It was later bought by Google in November 2006 for $1.65 billion. YouTube has over 1 billion website visitors per month and is the second most popular search engine behind Google.  Tumblr is one of the most difficult to use social networking platforms, but it’s also one of the most interesting sites. The platform allows several different post formats, including quote posts, chat posts, video and photo posts as well as audio posts, so you are never limited in the type of content that you can share. Like Twitter, re blogging, which is more like retweeting, is quick and easy. The social networking website was founded by David Karp in February 2007 and currently hosts more than 200 million blogs..snapchat  is an image messaging application software product that was created by Reggie Brown, Evan Spiegel, and Bobby Murphy when they were students at Stanford University. The app was officially released in September 2011, and within a short span of time, they have grown immensely registering an average of 100 million daily active users as of May 2015. More than 18 percent of all social media users use Snapchat.     
